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Finding your first customers
A collection of guides on how to find your first B2B customers, curated by Bocar Dia.
The Bridge Group sales benchmarks
The Bridge Group offers some of the best benchmark research for SDR, AE, AM and CSM organizations.
SaaS Go-To-Market benchmarks
A collection of GTM benchmarks for growth, sales, sales development and customer success, curated by Bocar Dia.
4 Frameworks to grow to $100M+
Brian Balfour distills down the 4 key frameworks to grow to $100M+ based on his experience working with 40+ tech companies in 10 years.
Building the GTM machine by David Skok
David Skok offers a structured methodology for designing and reviewing your customer acquisition process.
All things sales by Peter Levine
Series of snack-sized videos where Peter Levine distills the fundamentals that every founder should know about sales.
Founding sales by Pete Kazanjy
Founding sales is a book on startup sales for founders and other first-time sales staff written by Pete Kazanjy.
The Unusual guide to Modern GTM
Unusual Ventures put together a great guide on Modern GTM. A step-by-step blueprint for founders and revenue innovators.
Sales execution benchmarks
A collection of Sales Development, Sales and Customer Success execution benchmarks, curated by Bocar Dia.
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