Sales Cadence design

Ken Krogue

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Sales Cadence design

The Foundational Elements of a Sales Cadence

The foundational structure for a cadence — let’s call it a ‘classic cadence’– is placing 3 phone calls, leaving 3 voicemails, sending 3 emails, and performing 3 social interactions. XANT research has shown that this cadence can produce optimal results, even if you don’t have enough time and resources to refine it and think of a better sales and marketing strategy.

It’s a tried and tested sales cadence, and if you’re just starting out to build out a working sales process, this should be your first step.

When deciding the structure of a cadence you need to review five elements: sequence, attempts, duration, spacing, media, and messaging. Your sales cadence should answer questions for the sales team, like:

How do I start to engage my prospects?

How long should I attempt to contact them, before giving up?

Over the course of how many days should I time my efforts?

How many days should be in between my sales touches?

Should I email, call or leave a voicemail?

What should I say, when I get someone to respond?

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