Ideal Customer Profile

Liam H. Mulcahy

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Ideal Customer Profile

ICP stands for Ideal Company Profile, or the attributes of the “ideal customer” who will get the most value from purchasing your product.

Put simply, it’s the answer to the questions: “What types of companies need your product enough that they would pay for it? What is it about their size, vertical, tech stack, or business model that makes them ideal?”

It’s important to keep in mind that you’re seeking companies that will become advocates, help expand your product in the broader market, and become paying customers now or in the future.

To give an example, Kloudio (an Unusual portfolio company) was initially going after all spreadsheet users as their ideal customer profile. While there was some truth that anyone using a spreadsheet could benefit from their product, it was too broad to identify the exact companies that would pay for it right now. Through our Get Ahead Platform (GAP) engagement, we worked with them to narrow in on companies in a specific industry, geography, revenue band, and tech stack which accelerated their product-market-sales-fit.

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