Guide to Account-Based Sales

Max Altschuler

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Guide to Account-Based Sales

There are many factors driving the dramatic shift towards account-based selling:

  1. Customer centricity, which is a key tenet of ABS, has become the new mantra.
  2. There has been an uptick in the required number of approvals, especially in enterprise sales. Thus, making the sales process more complex.
  3. The ROI on ABS adoption has been clearly demonstrated over the years. Interdepartmental alignment, process improvements, and brand loyalty are among the key benefits.

If you think your sales teams can improve their performance, perhaps it’s high time for you to give ABS a second look.

  1. What is Account Based Sales?
  2. Is ABS for you?
  3. When is the right time to implement an ABS strategy?
  4. How to implement ABS in your organization
  5. What is the role of Marketing in ABS?
  6. How important is lead nurturing in ABS?
  7. How do you align ABS with the customer journey?
  8. What tools do you need for ABS?
  9. Your own ABS checklist

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