Originally conceived by IBM as a way to quickly identify leads who were most likely to make a purchase, BANT is considered the old-school, go-to method of sales and lead qualification.
BANT is an acronym for budget, authority, needs, and timeline, and it is a type of sales lead qualification process designed to identify leads worth pursuing.
As far as qualifying frameworks go, BANT is pretty straightforward and asks salespeople to consider the following:
- Budget: Does the prospective client have the necessary budget to purchase your product?
- Authority: Does the potential lead have the authority to make a purchase, or are there additional people you need to speak with?
- Needs: What business pain points does your service reduce?
- Timeline: When is the lead looking to make a purchase?
Most relevant during:
GTM Fit phase
Scale phase
Most relevant for:
ACVs < $15K
ACVs $15K-$50K