Ken Krogue

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One word of caution: make sure you are talking to the decision maker before you begin qualifying with ANUM.

The way ANUM breaks down is like this:

  • A = Authority. When you are talking to the decision maker, make sure to make note of what their title and function is so you can align their needs with your product. This will go a long way when you pitch to them! Hitting what matters to them shows you know what their pain points are.
  • N = Need. Make sure to find lists of companies in the target industry you’re seeking and their size.
  • U = Urgency. Keep up with companies and their latest news releases. If a sales rep is sensitive to the urgencies of companies it can seriously help the sales process. If a company has announced they are expanding their inside sales team or have a new vice president of sales, this could be a cue to contact them.
  • M = Money. Know where the money is. If a company is growing, recently announced a round of funding, or are older, more established companies then they have the funds.

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