8-Step sales process

Max Altschuler

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8-Step sales process

The 8 Stages of the Sales Cycle

The eight most important sales cycle stages are:

  1. Preparation – know your product; spend time in your customer’s shoes; study your competitors
  2. Prospecting – do outreach to find companies that match your ideal customer profile
  3. Research – is your product the best fit for the prospect? Do they need what you’re selling?
  4. Approach – Now you know your customer, find a way to get their attention
  5. Pitch/Presentation – article the unique value of your product
  6. Objection Handling – answer questions and manage their objections
  7. Closing – send a proposal, get signatures, and finalize the deal
  8. Follow-up – nurture customers, offer up-sells, and ask for referrals

[See original article for details]

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